Curator of Roma Capitale Modern Art Gallery
The Gallery was inaugurated at its Via Crispi seat in January 1995, after years of preparatory work promoted by the Hon. Paolo Battistuzzi, Councillor for Culture.
Cinzia Virno was actively involved in this long and intense preparatory phase. Thousands of works were moved from Palazzo Braschi, where they could not be put on display, and were in a state of total neglect, giving new life to a museum that existed only on paper, being closed to the public and to scholars for decades. They were years of intense activity under the guidance of the then director Giovanna Bonasegale: inventory checks, retrieval of off-site paintings and sculptures, restoration of numerous works in very poor condition, for years kept in municipal storerooms outside Palazzo Braschi, a great many of which intended for decorating the representative (and work) offices of Capitoline staff. In the museum she is currently responsible for the safeguarding, conservation and enhancement of works of art, in particular the 19th century collections, for which she was in charge of general cataloguing in 2004 (see publications). She is also responsible for the publication of catalogues and texts concerning collections and issues relating to techniques for conserving and restoring works of art, in particular constituent materials. In this capacity she has been in charge of numerous restoration works and conservation procedures with a view to putting works on display.
For specific works of art she has sought and obtained the collaboration of public bodies specialising in restoration work, such as the Gabinetto Nazionale per la Grafica (National Institute for Graphics) and Istituto Superiore per la Conservazione ed il Restauro (Higher Institute for Conservation and Restoration, ICR). She is currently drafting a catalogue raisonné of 19th and 20th century sculptures.
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